Total Care Solutions
Meet Belle LTE and Belle+ LTE
Monthly Monitoring
Call 404.382.8776 Or 801.638.8065 To Order Or Submit Inquiry Below
Belle LTE
Operates on the 4G LTE cellular network, will work anywhere that has cellular coverage
Water resistant
Rechargeable battery that lasts up to 30 days on a single charge
24-hour professional monitoring
Free set-up and installation
2-way voice through the pendant
Low-battery text and phone call reminders
Simple to use and easy to charge
Comes with an interchangeable lanyard and belt clip included
See introduction video below
Monthly Monitoring
Operates on the 4G LTE cellular network, will work anywhere that has cellular coverage
Fall detection
GPS location service through our free app
Water resistant
Rechargeable battery that lasts up to 7 days on a single charge
24-hour professional monitoring
Free set-up and installation
2-way voice through the pendant
Low-battery text and phone call reminders
Simple to use and easy to charge
Lanyard and belt clip included
See introduction video below